Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Mid Term Pub Night this Friday

Beer x People=FUN!!!!
It's mid-term pub night on Friday the 9th November at 7pm,downstairs at the Pontefract Castle.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Training4TEFL October Students!!!

Congratulations to all of our October course trainees on passing the Trinity CertTESOL, we wish you all the best in your future careers. Do let us know what you go on to do next it's nice to stay in touch! Don't forget to put us down as your reference for any jobs that you're applying for.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Halloween Party!!!

Rose of York Halloween Party!! Come to the Rose of York Halloween Party on Friday 26th October 2012!! It will take place at 14 Hallam Street London W1 at 7pm. There will be fun and games and drinks and snacks here, but.... .... We would like you to bring some traditional dish from your country! then we can all share and taste each other's food Yum yum! Also there will be a competition for the best Halloween costume so dress up!!!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

ISI Inspection

We are pleased to announce that in September 2012 Rose of York was inspected by ISI. We are very proud of the results and positive comments from the inspectors: "Students welfare and pastoral care are given high priority, which results in excellent relations within the school" "Courses on offer prepare students to achieve their educational, professional and personal goals" "Business English courses provide very good personalised and relevant study programmes based on students’ needs, experience and future career plans" These are just a few of the positive comments on the report, that will be made available to read online very soon.